Poems, Personal Stories, and Observations

Posts tagged ‘souls’

Autumn Waning

Gone are the bright leaves of the fall,
And barren branches stand so tall,
The wind cuts through my meager clothes;
A bit of chill upon my nose.

The sky so dreary, and people weary,
But pink-tinged clouds at sunset shout
Of beauty gracing —
Silver-lined clouds lacing.

And still the air is not so cold.
But wintry temper’tures so bold
Will soon bring flurries and people hurrying
To still the chill within their souls.

This Broken World

This broken world of suffering souls;
So many hurting — it’s out of control.

We need a Savior, a God Who can mend.
We need a Father, Who loves without end.

We need the Spirit, Who gives us the power
To overcome Satan in ungodly hour.

Time to surrender your will unto His.
Let Him live in you, and give you His gifts.

Morning Begins Again


Morning begins again —
Fresh breeze upon my skin,
The promise of new things,
The hummingbird on wing.

The slate, it still is blank.
I pray, and yes, give thanks
For new beginnings,
For hearts now turning,
For all my yearnings.

The mourning dove, it coos.
I pray that I won’t lose
My hope, my faith, my patience here —
Nor let dread problems
Bring on fear.

So let our souls be light
Like angels, now take flight.
Give all to God
Though thoughts may prod —
The day comes after night.


To Touch One Heart

To touch one heart with song,
To mend one soul I long,
To water the dry earth,
And bring to souls new birth.

To bring God’s light I must,
To blow the stars like dust,
To transform tears to mirth —
Then will my life have worth.