Poems, Personal Stories, and Observations

Archive for June, 2018

Judge Me Not

Since I am weak and you are strong,
Yes, please correct, but judge me not.

Shouting and yelling just bring fear,
Withdrawal, holding back with tears.

If you would gently point the way,
More likely will I blameless stay.

Because you know a better road,
Please kindly show me; do not goad.

I went about in ignorance;
How can a judged one recompense?

Unless I know your faithful love,
My sins it’s hard to rise above.

A Sense of Wonder

Our vision can grow stale and pale,
A shrinking sense of wonder
At all the things that God can do —
Tear unbelief asunder!

As Jesus took a child by hand
And said, let’s imitate them,
Let awe and wonder now increase —
Prepare for His new kingdom!

As children trust unwittingly,
May we ourselves be trusting
In God who ever faithful is
Unlike our human fam’ly.

From trust to fear and back to trust,
Through childhood, middle, and old age,
As we, God’s children, come aware —
Unlearn the lies of bondage!