Poems, Personal Stories, and Observations

Archive for June, 2019

Counting Jacarandas

[The Jacaranda is a type of tree from Central and South America, and is often found growing in warmer climates,
such as parts of California.  It is has lovely blue to purple-blue flowers, or sometimes even white.
The seed capsules look somewhat like hockey pucks.]

My spouse and I,
We go for walks
In neighborhoods,
And sometimes talk.
We stroll, we speed,
We take our ease —
Counting jacarandas.
He strolls, I speed,
Then turn around
To  match his pace,
So we can talk.
And all the while
We take our ease —
Counting jacarandas.
Some days we all
Must take a break,
Slow down the race,
Reduce the pace,
Do silly things
And laugh awhile —
Counting jacarandas.


Where has the past gone?
No one believes in history

People panic about things
That all happened before

Study the mystery
Of humanity’s progress and regress

Of climates come and gone
And come again

We don’t need to panic
It’s all happened before

Learn from the past –
Isn’t that wisdom?

Not to dismiss disasters
Or pass off plagues

It’s all happened before

Be prepared