Poems, Personal Stories, and Observations

Posts tagged ‘poetry’

Five Vignettes

These were written as an assignment for a poetry class. Assignment: Write a few short poems in the same “form.” You can pick an object, and write about what the object thinks of itself. (Regarding form, I’m not sure what “form” these are, or even if they’re in the same “form.”) The second vignette is not really about an object.

I am the clock
That sits and ticks
And gives you fits
When buzzing, ringing,
The new day bringing.

He said to write a poem.
I thought I’d like to show ‘im.
It’s just my pride
That makes me want to hide.

As I sit on the sill
It’s really a thrill
To watch the birds —
Or is it absurd?

Four legs I have, and on a plateau
Sit some of the people whom I know —
Or don’t —
But perhaps it’s kind
To let a person sit a while.

I stand so still
Except in wind;
The birds make me their home.
And rabbits dwell
‘Neath branches low
My arms protect them well.

The Window on Your Mind

[Inspired by Denise and Jacob discussing math, poetry, and philosophy]

Different minds
And ways of being.
Different eyes
And ways of seeing.

To different beauties
We are attracted;
The dance of life
For each enacted.

The heart and mind
Must have a reason
To live, to die —
In every season.

You might think beauty
Is only in art
But even equations
Can move the heart.

Can’t Keep the Poems Back

Can’t keep the poems back,
The sing-song words,
They roll and turn
Inside my head.

They make me sane,
Help put a frame
‘Round jumbled thoughts
And pensive knots.

They make a fence,
Repel nonsense,
Build peaceful scenes
And help me dream.

The words are strong,
They build a bond.
They help express
Love’s fruitfulness.